A 71-year-old woman was diagnosed with lumbar spondylolisthesis, a herniated disc, and spinal canal stenosis and was recommended to have surgery! But she was healed by blood circulation therapy!

case 1

  Eight years ago,Toshie Shimizu was living in Suita City when she began to suffer from back pain and foot stiffness which became quite severe six years later. She was diagnosed with "lumbar spondylolisthesis, spinal canal stenosis, and lumbar disc herniation" after MRI examination at an orthopedic clinic. She was treated with spinal traction and given painkillers, but her symptoms persisted. Her pain and stiffness became so bad that she couldn't walk long distances and had to rest frequently. The interval between walking became seriously shorter, only 3 minutes,and she consulted her doctor again. She was told that she had no choice but to undergo surgery. However, she had other complications: disc slippage, stenosis, and herniation. Her daughter in Tokyo, informed her that there was a good therapist nearby. So she visited my clinic and I treated her. The muscles of her right hip and thigh were painful and stiff, and in some areas quite severe. She also had stiff shoulders, headache, Empyema, Shoulder arthropathy, and cold sensitivity. Her measuved level of blood circulation on scale of 1to9 was 5 quite poor.

At the first treatment, I focused on the areas of stiffness and was surprised when most of her back pain and stiffness disappeared. Her pain was reduced and she was glad to be able to work in the garden and swim again. The symptoms improved after the second treatment, so I was convinced that the cause was only muscle stiffness, not skeletal problems. When I said "You can heal without surgery," she came alive with hope. She was having to take two breaks just to walk to the nearest train station, but after the third treatment, she was able to walk all the way without resting. After that, symptoms improved, and the stiffness gradually lessened. Finally she could do gardening, shopping, traveling, swimming, and much more. She continued to visit my clinic a couple of times a month.

  Indications of decreased blood circulation 

 Poor peripheral circulation is called blood stasis, a pathological concept unique to oriental medicine. The more complaints such as sensitivity to cold, stiff shoulders, headaches, insomnia, and symptoms of poor blood circulation such as skin conditions, the higher the degree of blood stasis. Surveys are conducted using a questionnaire on the pre-examination card established by the BCT association.

A woman diagnosed with lumbar spondylolisthesis was deemed incurable by a doctor, but completely healed after blood circulation therapy! Her lower back pain, hip joint pain, and foot stiffness were eliminated!


Keiko Hirata (62 years old), was  living in China and had been suffering pain in her left foot and thigh since May of 2018. The pain  became quite severe 2 months later. When she returned to Japan, she went to the hospital and was diagnosed with "lumbar spondylolisthesis". Her doctor told her that she could not be cured. She was prescribed painkillers but her condition did not improve. She was at a loss and searched the internet for "lumbar spondylolisthesis", and visited a lumbar care specialist. She received 18 very expensive treatments, and went back to China. However, that September she relapsed, and when she returned to Japan, she was in so much pain she could not lean forward.  In desperation she came to my clinic. When I treated her, the hard indurations were palpated and were most painful in her right groin. The stiff left shin (lower leg) and left buttocks had also hardened. After one treatment, pain in her groin, back, and the stiffness in her lower leg were alleviated, and when she bent forward, the pain did not appear. By the second treatment, the pain returned slightly, but symptoms improved overall  and she was able to bend forward. By the third time, symptoms  had improved significantly, so I treated her shoulder and thyroid. On her 6th visit, pain in her back and groin were gone, and she was able to raise her shoulder. The induration of the groin and buttocks had completely softened and she went back to China. Later, when she returned home in early December, she had no pain and no recurrence. And I treated her remaining shoulder arthropathy. When she returned to Japan in 2020, her back and groin pain were completely gone. 

Hip arthritis(-early treatment) improves without surgery

Case 3・40 year old woman

 About ten years ago when she was practicing classical ballet at Takarazuka Music School, she had trouble lifting her legs.  Recently, After sitting on the toilet, she couldn't stand up immediately because of pain in her hip joints and she also felt weakness in her lower back. Her mother had to undergo surgery for osteoarthritis of the hip, and since she had the same symptoms, she became worried and had herself examined at the same hospital. She was diagnosed with "acetabular dysplasia. "She visited a nearby osteopathic clinic for a year and received acupuncture and shiatsu treatment, and her symptoms improved. However, her symptoms appeared again, so she visited my clinic. On examination, there was pain in both hip joints during flexion and extension, and she had limited in her range of motion. Stiffness had built up not only around the hip joints but also in her lower back, knee joints and anterior tibia. The day after the first treatment, she regained flexibility from her lower back to her hip. Pain during flexion and extension disappeared after two treatments.  After three treatments, most symptoms was disappeared.  There was no recurrence of symptoms, and all the areas of stiffness were gone after six treatments. The patient previously had cold sensitivity and was obese. ("Case Study No. 8" Case 9)


Frozen Shoulders - Completely Recoverable

Case 4・64 year old college professor

Five months before he came to my clinic, he was unable to raise his arm and write on the blackboard. 

He received a consultation from an Orthopedic Surgeon of the City Hospital and was diagnosed with a "frozen shoulder" after an X-ray.

He went to the hospital, but he didn't get better, so he came to my clinic on a friend's recommendation. Symptoms were pain in the shoulder joint, numbness at night and limited range of motion (80 degrees flexion, 70 degrees abduction). One treatment reduced his symptoms significantly. The patient was treated six times in the first month. The pain in the mornings was reduced, and his flexion reached 85 degrees. In the second month, he was treated four times and stiffness softened and the pain disappeared. By the eleventh time, the flexion limit improved until left and right became equal and the treatments were terminated. Nine months later I met him by chance at the bus stop in front of my clinic, and he happily reported that he was

"healed." The patient had almost never done any physical activity.                               ("Case Study No. 8" Case 8

Case 5

 50 year old male architect

Six months ago, he suffered pain from his right shoulder to upper arm, and could’t raise his arm. He went to a nearby osteopath and received hyperthermia and traction, but did not improve. So he came to my clinic. I found the stiffness in the area of pain and treated it. There were many very hard spots. I treated him two to four times a month to loosen the stiffness and a new area of forearm stiffness appeared temporarily, but the overall symptoms improved steadily. After 29 treatments, his symptoms completely disappeared, and he was able to do his hobbies of baseball and Sunday farming.

After that, he came to my clinic once a month so I could observe his progress, but  symptons did not recur even after several years. (”Case Study No. 9 ”Case 11)


 It is the result of many years of detailed design work using his mouse at his desk in the same position, overworking his right arm.